Greenleaf Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Is Duct Cleaning a Waste of Money?

Monday, June 13th, 2022

If you’re anything like the average homeowner, you probably don’t think very much about the air ducts sitting in your home. And this makes sense! After all, ductwork is purposefully hidden out of sight–it’s not very attractive after all. You shouldn’t really need to think about the state of your air ducts too much. However, on occasion, they’re going to need some attention. While it’s not necessary for you to know all the ins and outs of your ductwork (that’s what we’re here for), there are some things you should know about dirty ducts and how it impacts your indoor air quality, comfort, and HVAC efficiency.

When you’re ready to schedule professional duct cleaning, you needn’t look any further than our team–and no, it’s not a waste of money. Read on to learn why.

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“What Is a SEER Rating and Does It Really Matter?”

Monday, May 2nd, 2022

When you invest in a new air conditioner, you want to know it’s going to be a solid investment. After all, HVAC systems account for about half of all the energy the average home uses, which means they can be pretty expensive to operate from month-to-month, let alone the initial purchase.

What homeowners may not realize though, is that paying more for an air conditioner now, can mean lower bills throughout the lifetime of the system–and that’s what an investment is all about, right? Paying you back.

What is it that makes an air conditioner more expensive? There are a number of factors, actually, but one of them is the system’s SEER rating–or rather, the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. Read on to learn more about what this is and why it may matter to you!

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The Top 4 Signs Your AC Needs Repair

Monday, April 4th, 2022

Air conditioning repairs aren’t the most convenient thing to schedule for the average homeowner, but when you need them it’s not something you want to put off. We understand the temptation to do so! After all, if your air conditioner is still running and pumping out some cool air, that’s good enough right?

Trust us when we say you don’t want to settle for just “good enough.” This means you’re operating a system that might not be working as efficiently as possible, and so you’re paying more to use it… or it can mean exacerbating wear and tear that will eventually lead to a system breakdown.

Read on as we uncover some of the signs that you might be in need of AC repair, and then give us a call if you notice any of these indicators.

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How to Prep Your AC for Spring

Monday, March 7th, 2022

What are some things you think about that are associated with spring? Spring cleaning? Spring training, if you’re a baseball fan? How about spring maintenance?

Wait, you mean that last one didn’t occur to you?

Here’s the thing–spring maintenance is absolutely essential for your air conditioner to work as efficiently and effectively as you’d expect, for as long as it should. It’s during this service that our professionals closely inspect, clean, and adjust components that need it while locating spots of wear and tear that could require repair.

Read on as we dive into the importance of this service!

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Are You Believing One or More of These AC Myths?

Monday, August 9th, 2021

There are some pretty harmless myths out there… like how the level of heartburn a woman has will determine how much hair their baby will be born with or how walking under a ladder will give you bad luck.

Alright, we’re not totally saying these myths are untrue, and if you want to continue to believe them that’s perfectly fine! But believing air conditioner myths could actually do the system harm, in addition to harming your comfort and your budget.

Read on as we uncover a few of the biggest AC myths and what problems could come out of believing them.

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5 Signs Your AC Needs Help

Monday, July 12th, 2021

Let’s say you’ve just come back indoors after spending a warm day outside enjoying time with your family. You’re probably looking forward to settling down on the couch, or even around the dining room table with your loved ones, only to realize that it doesn’t seem to feel as cool as it should be. Then it hits you–your air conditioner isn’t running, even though you programmed the thermostat for it to run.

Or maybe it is running, but it’s either making odd noises or blowing lukewarm air out of the vents. Whatever the case, you know something is wrong, but is it time to call for professional repairs? Well, it is if you notice any of the 5 following signs:

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Why Does SEER Matter When Choosing a New AC?

Monday, May 17th, 2021

Summer is just about upon us, and temperatures are already warming up. Now is the time to make sure that you and your home are prepared, by either scheduling routine maintenance for your air conditioner or buying a new air conditioner if your aging system is signaling that it’s about to call it quits. But there are a number of factors to consider before purchasing an air conditioner and scheduling its insulation. The type of system it is, the size, and the SEER rating are all factors to pay attention to.

SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, and it is the rating that applies to all residential air conditioning and heat pump systems in the U.S. Being able to use this rating to its fullest extent is how you ensure that your home is set up with the best AC system possible. Read on to learn more about this rating and what it means!

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Do You Need Air Conditioning Repairs?

Monday, April 19th, 2021

While we are on track to open more businesses here in a couple of months, we’re still spending considerably more time in our homes than we have in prior years. With summer right around the corner and temperatures already on the rise, this means you have to ensure you have a fully functional and reliable air conditioner on your side.

How can you ensure this is the case? Well first off, if you haven’t already scheduled air conditioner maintenance, now is the time. Maintenance allows our technicians to fully inspect, clean, and adjust the components of your air conditioner to ensure that it works as effectively and efficiently as possible for as long as possible.

Even with maintenance, however, it’s never a bad idea to educate yourself on the signs that your air conditioner does, in fact, need repairs. Read on to learn what some of these signs are:

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Why Is My Air Conditioner Leaking Water?

Monday, September 7th, 2020

When you notice a problem with your air conditioner, we hope that your first instinct is to schedule professional AC repair in Glendale, CA. However, there are some problems that may not require such action. While we don’t want to encourage DIY repair attempts, we do want to encourage you to rule out simple issues before scheduling service.

If you notice that your air conditioner is leaking water, for instance, we’ve got some tips on what to rule out first. Why? Because your AC doesn’t actually have a water tank that can leak! It’s not like a water heater. So where’s the water coming from? That’s what we’re going to dive into today!

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AC Efficiency: Would Your Ducts Pass the Test?

Monday, August 24th, 2020

Living in California means running your air conditioner. It means running your air conditioner a lot. And if you’re running your air conditioner a lot, then you are right to be concerned with its overall energy efficiency. It only makes sense.

Nobody wants to overpay for comfort.

There are a lot of reasons why your air conditioning system may not function as efficiently as it should. Chief among them, though, is leaky, damaged air ducts. And how do you know if this the case? You schedule duct testing in Whittier, CA with us!

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