Greenleaf Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Not Getting AC Tune Ups? These 4 Problems Could Pop Up

Monday, August 21st, 2023

During the heat of summer, your air conditioning system becomes your faithful companion in maintaining a comfortable indoor environment. But what if your AC suddenly starts to malfunction? Neglecting a regular ac tune up in Pomona, CA, can lead to a host of problems that can disrupt your comfort, increase energy bills and potentially damage your cooling system. Let’s take a look at four common issues that can arise from skipping AC tune-ups, highlighting the importance of regular maintenance to keep your cooling system running smoothly.

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The Details To Consider When Choosing An AC

Monday, May 15th, 2023

When it comes to selecting an air conditioning system for your home or office, it’s crucial to make an informed decision. With a variety of options available in the market, considering the details becomes essential to ensure optimal cooling, energy efficiency, and overall comfort.

We can help you determine the key factors to consider when it’s time for a new AC installation, enabling you to make a well-informed and satisfactory purchase that’ll serve your home for many years to come.

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Here’s What AC Services We Offer

Monday, April 17th, 2023

We’ve had a cold and often rainy winter in Southern California, and so far the early spring hasn’t got much warmer. But make no mistake: the hot weather is on its way and we can anticipate another summer of scorching heat. This is when scheduling air conditioning service can turn into the top priority for a home.

We offer air conditioning service in Whittier, CA and throughout SoCal—we’ve been experts in both commercial and residential air conditioning since 1956, so we definitely know how to best deal with the California heat. When people think of AC services, they often just consider repairs. Our AC services go much further. Below are some of the air conditioning services you’ll find at our company.

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“When Should I Replace My Air Conditioner?”

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

If you don’t keep up on HVAC industry news–and most homeowners don’t–you’ve likely missed a pretty big update.

As of January 1, 2023, lower SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) AC systems will begin to be phased out in favor of more efficient, and more expensive, air conditioning systems. This update is called the M 1 SEER2 update, and it will result in price increases for installation, and likely to result in further equipment shortages too.

So, how does this answer the question posed in our blog title? When should you replace your air conditioner?

If you’ve already been considering it, then the answer is… now. Of course, if you have a newer air conditioner, then replacing now might not make much sense. But if your air conditioner has any of the following symptoms, it’s time to give us a call!

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Signs That It’s Time for AC Repairs

Monday, September 19th, 2022

Air conditioning systems help you enjoy a higher quality of life. You may not realize how much support they provide until they start to malfunction or lose efficiency. It may start with small signs of trouble that are easy to ignore but don’t fall for that mistake. Waiting can lead to complete system failure and may shorten the overall lifespan of your AC system. 

The first step is to understand the most common signs that it’s time for AC repair. Let’s discuss those signs right now. 

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How Do I Maintain My Commercial Air Conditioner?

Monday, August 22nd, 2022

Whether you run a business or manage a property, there is something that you’ll need to think about in regards to the comfort of that building’s occupants–air conditioning. There is no way your commercial space can go without this important climate control system–doing so could lose you employees, tenants, customers, etc.

Of course, you probably don’t think about your commercial air conditioner much. But it’s important to, especially if you want to have any control over your overhead costs. Imagine this… small residential HVAC systems account for over half of a home’s energy use and costs. Can you imagine how that applies to a large commercial space?

Maintaining the system properly keeps these energy costs as low as possible, keeps the commercial air conditioner operating powerfully, and even helps prolong its lifespan. Read on as we uncover how you can help maintain your commercial air conditioner.

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How To Keep Your Home Cooler, More Efficiently

Monday, August 8th, 2022

If you’re like most homeowners, you likely would never turn down the opportunity to save money, right? Particularly when it comes to your utility and energy bills. In addition to these sometimes costly monthly bills, when it comes to your HVAC systems you also have the cost of maintenance, repair, and even eventual replacement to consider.

The good news is there are some steps you can take to go ahead and boost your air conditioner’s efficiency and in turn lower your monthly bills, even if you have an older air conditioner (one that is 10-15 years old). If you think your air conditioner is struggling efficiency-wise, don’t let it continue.

Read on as we uncover some tips below to get your air conditioner behaving as efficiently as possible.

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A Guide for When to Replace Your Aging Air Conditioner

Monday, July 25th, 2022

Were you aware that professional maintenance, done regularly, can ensure the 10-15 year useful service life of your air conditioner? However, even with diligent maintenance tune-ups, there will always come a time when an air conditioner simply can’t do its job effectively or efficiently anymore.

Your choice to replace and upgrade your current air conditioner is going to be a tough call, mainly because of how much you’ll need to invest in it. But making the right choice and upgrading when it’s actually time can help you save money in the long run since you’ll have a more efficient system and you’ll be spending less on utility bills.

Read on to learn when it is time to upgrade your air conditioner.

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Why DIY AC Installation Can Be a Bad Idea

Monday, July 11th, 2022

There are a few HVAC tasks that homeowners can and should do on their own. For example, changing the air filter is something that should be done every 1-3 months depending on the type of filter and the level of particles in the home–a home with pet dander and/or cigarette smoke, for example, will need a filter change more often than a home without.

Another task you should do on your own is to make sure that the outside unit of your central air conditioner is cleared of any debris such as tree branches, mulch, leaves, etc. This could otherwise restrict airflow leading to inefficient operation and higher energy bills, in addition to increased wear and tear on your air conditioner that has to try too hard to compensate.

The task you shouldn’t do on your own, however, is installation. Read on to learn why!

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Will a Larger Air Conditioner Perform Better?

Monday, June 27th, 2022

When it comes time to purchase a new appliance for the home, most homeowners believe “the bigger the better.” This makes sense on the surface level–bigger appliances are typically more powerful appliances, and that’s always a good thing.

Except in the case of an air conditioner or forced-air heating system. Customers often ask us if a larger air conditioner will perform better, and the short answer is, “not always.” You see, yes, a bigger air conditioner means a more powerful one, but a cooling system can actually be overpowered for a home, leading to just as many problems as a system that is underpowered.

Read on to learn the differences between an underpowered system that’s too small for the space it’s installed in, and an overpowered system that’s actually too big for its space.

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