Greenleaf Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC and Dogs’

How Can I Protect My AC From My Dog?

Monday, December 11th, 2023

Ah, the joys of sharing your home with a furry companion. The  wagging tails, the playful antics, and the unconditional love. While having a dog adds warmth to your life it also introduces some challenges, especially when it comes to your home appliances.

In this case, we’re talking about your condenser unit. If you’ve got a rambunctious friend who frequents the outdoors unattended, it might end up with you needing air conditioning services in Long Beach, CA. Let’s explore the unique considerations for protecting your air conditioner from your four-legged friend’s inquisitive nature, with a special emphasis on the potential damage caused by dogs urinating on the condenser. 

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