Greenleaf Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for May, 2019

The Worst Things You Could Do to Your Heat Pump

Monday, May 20th, 2019

disgruntled man reads heat pump horror stories

Aside from deliberately causing harm to your heat pump—or worse, forgetting to change the air filter—some of the worst things you could do to your heat pump are in the way that you choose to operate it.

Of course, no homeowner would do these things on purpose if they knew how bad it was. At the same time, they might have had their unit installed by a technician who was less than thorough about operating the device. But hey, that’s what the internet is for!

In this post, we’ll go over a few operational behaviors you should avoid if you want to run your heat pump efficiently. This will help you save money in the long run, as well as to prevent causing unnecessary wear and tear on the system.

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3 Signs Your Central AC Needs an Inspection

Monday, May 6th, 2019

ac-condenser-unitsThe central air conditioner is one of the most reliable HVAC systems you could have installed in your home. It’s no wonder why we’re asked to install them time and time again in Southern California.

That being said, these systems—just like any other—will develop their own share of repair problems every now and then.

The best thing you can do is to try and prevent them with regularly scheduled maintenance. The second best thing you can do is to know what these problems are so that you can identify them. The sooner you get in touch with an expert of air conditioning repair in Long Beach, CA, the sooner you can restore your efficiency and the full potential for your system.

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